Monday, August 1, 2011

Playing well together ...

Last Thursday I had the opportunity to visit our venue for the first time. Because eight shows will be sharing the Signature Theatre's Peter Norton Space on 42nd street over the three weeks of NYMF, it's important that the teams of all of the productions, readings and special events communicate with one another about what the individual shows require and have conversations about how everyone can work together to make the change-overs from one show to the next be as simple as possible - each show only has just under one hour to load in, and thirty minutes to load out!

Eventually the space will have a "neutral" groundplan that everyone will start and end with, an agreed upon location for the band, and a specific amount of space designated to each show for storage of set pieces, props and costumes. Ultimately, every show will have to compromise in some way in order to share the space efficiently and effectively. As our director Igor said, we all have to learn how to play well together.

Each space has been set up with a Google group so that conversations can continue in between site visits and already the emails are flying about what the "look" of each show is. It will be fascinating to see how each venue will transform with each production. So if you have the opportunity - after you've seen P&P of course! - why not check out another show in the same theater and marvel at the magic!

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